All wrap art scenes are from December 2013 through early May 2014. Woven wraps are listed below in each description, but if you need help identifying one, please let me know!
Natibaby Delin Sky, Lenny Lamb Pistachio grass, Girasol Amitola Azarfan river, Girasol RR and Kechet scrap small candy canes, Mei Tai Baby panel and Girasol RR scrap small wrapped candies, Natibaby Notes licorice twist, Natibaby Shells and Kangaroos lollipops, Wrapsody Bali Breeze Orion wrapped candy, Moby and Storchenwiege Leo large candy cane.
Carried Away
Natibaby Delin Sky, Maya Wrap ring sling sun, Girasol Amitola Azarfan kite, Natibaby Notes and Moby boats (with Girasol RR scrap sail), Storchenwiege Leo Marine and Wrapsody Bali Breeze Orion ocean, Natibaby Shells and Natibaby Kangaroos beach.
Storchenwiege Leo Marine
Fishing for Rainbow Trout
Natibaby Delin sky, Natibaby Shells sun, Girasol Amitola Azarfan rainbow, Lenny Lamb Pistachio grass, Natibaby Ducks and Wrapsody Bali Breeze Orion pond, Girasol RR scrap rainbow trout, Natibaby Kangaroos and Storchenwiege Leo Marine boat.
Singing in the Rain
Lenny Lamb Pistachio grass, Wrapsody Bali Breeze Orion puddle, Girasol RR scrap umbrella.
Gung Hay Fat Choy
Natibaby Shells tree branch, Mei Tai Baby panel and Girasol RR and Kechet scrap lanterns, Storchenwiege Leo marine sky, Lenny Lamb Pistachio grass, Natibaby Delin Sky river. Dragon: Girasol Amitola Azarfan body, Natibaby Kangaroos and Wrapsody Bali Breeze Orion head, Mei Tai Baby panel and wrap scrap spikes.
Laundry Day
Natibaby Delin Sky, Natibaby Shells sun, Lenny Lamb Pistachio grass, Girasol Amitola Azarfan laundry basket, and Sling Ring basket handles. Hanging laundry from left to right: Oscha Shui Long Clover, Natibaby Notes, Girasol Northern Lights Connecta, Oscha JK Valentine. Laundry in basket: Natibaby Kangaroos, Moby, Wrapsody Bali Breeze Orion, Storchenwiege Leo Marine. Baby is holding Natibaby Ducks.
A Day at the Races
Natibaby Delin Sky, Moby and Didymos Indio Mocca tree, Natibaby Shells sun, Ellevill Zara Fresh grass, and Girasol Graphite road. Cars are clockwise from top: Storchenwiege Leo Marine, Girasol Amitola Azarfan, Natibaby Notes, Natibaby Ducks, Natibaby Kangaroos.
Gone Fishing (all Didymos)
Indio Mocca tree and Jan river, Jack wrap scrap fish, and Indio Porrhino and Ecru Pfau wrap scrap birds.
Warped and Wonderful Heartsong background, Girasol Northern Lights, Natibaby Notes and Natibaby Kangaroos gumball machine (with Oscha Nouveau Raven and Natibaby Fumus scraps). Gumballs are Natibaby Delin Sky, Natibaby Shells, Storchenwiege Leo Marine and Rose, Ellevill Zara Fresh, Girasol Amitola Azarfan, Girasol Graphite, Didymos Indio Mocca, Didymos Jan, Natibaby Ducks, and Girasol Amitola Purpura.
Noah's Ark
Natibaby Delin Sky, Girasol Amitola Azarfan rainbow, Natibaby Kangaroos, Natibaby Shells, and Didymos Indio Mocca ark, Storchenwiege Leo marine, Natibaby Ducks, and Didymos Jan ocean. Animals are Ellevill Zara Fresh rabbit, Storchenwiege Leo Rose pelican, Girasol Graphite cat, and Girasol Puesta Del Sol turkey. Baby's headdress is Girasol RR scrap.
Hungry Little Caterpillar
Storchenwiege Leo Marine and Rose and Girasol Puesta del Sol sky, Didymos Indio Mocca and Natibaby Kangaroos tree branch, Ellevill Zara Fresh leaf, and caterpillar made of Natibaby Bonsai, Girasol Amitola, Natibaby Delin Sky, Natibaby Shells, and Warped and Wonderful Heartsong.